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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    The swarm of bees blasted through Ariadne's shield and started stinging her all over. Lily froze up almost completely. She thought for sure she was going to die.

    But no. Her body wasn't fully human anymore. The countless stings didn't run with blood, but with more faintly-golden nectar. The sun was down, but the past few days had given her time to recover from her battle against Apophis's zombies, and she had plenty of energy still stored up in her nectar.

    She kept her mouth firmly closed. Not moving wasn't actually helping, but it didn't matter. She beat her wings to try to clear the bees out from around her a bit. Anything to get a bit of breathing room.

    She raised a hand, peering blearily through the haze of bees and pain and water in her eyes that she would insist was from dunking herself into the water and definitely nothing else, and fired a thorn at one of the monsters. It wasn't well aimed, had little chance of presenting much threat, but it might at least provide a distraction.

    The bulk of her efforts were on purging herself of the venom, healing the countless stings, and trying to drive the bees away.

    Move: Dazed.

    Free: Reconfigure Flower Power. Basically the same as before but 5 ranks Floral Thorn instead of 5 ranks Floral Wings.

    Standard: Aid Nope's next attack, Defensive Attacking for 5, +5 for Teamwork, -2 for Impaired, at (1d20+8)[10]. Floral gains Restorative Persistent Healing at (1d20+8)[20]. First two points will go to clearing out the Weaken, then priority is Impaired, then Bruise. If I roll below a natural 6 I'll use one of my two bonus Healing rerolls at (1d20+8)[21]. +2 to Nope. 10 RP to Floral. 2 finishes healing the Weaken and triggers Persistent for +5. 10 heals the Impaired. 3/10 to the Bruise.

    If the Impaired isn't gone, Extra Effort to do it again, this time Aiding Ariadne: (1d20+8)[19] Aid, (1d20+8)[19] Healing.

    End of turn: If the Impaired still isn't gone, long shot recovery chance (DC 27): (1d20+8)[18] since unless I'm rolling really far on the left side of the U-curve the Weaken will almost certainly be gone by now. (On the off chance it's not gone recover a point of Resistance I guess).

    Current Status: 1 Bruise (3/10 RP), (Dazed ends), +5 Defense this turn.
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2022-09-21 at 08:49 PM.
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