R4T11: Aasgar moans, "I'm going down... Need help..." and hobbles out of the way as best he can while looking the White Wolf over. In doing so, he sees Abenor looming over a fallen green meanie without a head (ostensibly the head rolled and fell off the ledge into the water below). As soon as Aasgar moves over and feels safe, he feels his inspiration completely refresh.

R4T9: Abenor, barely registering the bloodied dwarf as he enters his hunting stride, launches forward past his allies drops in front of the wolf while doing a roll to the west and popping up. Both enemies attacked him as he went, striking against his armor, but when he kips to his feet his katana scores along its flank for 25. Unfortunately, in doing so, Abenor in his Hunter mindset wasn't thinking tactically and is now being flanked.

R4T7: Aasgar doesn't see the blond bomber, but sees an incoming bomb coming at his friend, and Abenor's Hunter is too focused on aggression; where Abenor could have dodged it, as the Hunter he gets hit in the upper left arm for 14 fire. It looks like he might catch fire but at the instant that flashpoint of his clothing is reached, Bariswort does a strange multi-chord note on his accordion while saying something unintelligible, and the flames beat back ... somehow, Bariswort saved Abenor from catching fire, though Bariswort is no longer playing music.

R4T6-5: The fire on the brown wolf begins guttering out as you see a definite corpse remaining. The white wolf turns to capitalize on its expected position, with only a tooth barely scraping mithral links.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

Imrijka stands, moves away from her companions, takes careful aim, and releases ... the arrow effortlessly striking the rear knee of the wolf for 12.

R5T23: Cici steps out of targeting sight of the bomber and taps Aasgar with her wand for 4 healing.

R5T17: Bariswort stretches his fingers and yawns, the exertion of channeling supernatural music taking its toll, but he begins that soulful music again. He moves only slightly, but tries to keep the corpse of the dead wolf between himself and the white one.

R5T14: The sound of the green meanie attacking Aasgar's friend is heard, as is the deflection of those attacks by spinning blades.

R5T11: Despite Cici's attempts to keep Aasgar on his feet, the last of his wounds catch up with him as he takes 15. The world goes dark as Aasgar beats too quickly, and his vision fades to black!

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
HEROES: +1 weapon attack/ damage & +1 vs. charm/ fear.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat. PRONE!!!
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (33:33).
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. RAGING!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Dire Wolf (White): 5. (8:55).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer. Dire Wolf.