R1T11: Aasgar hooks south and west to face the wee orc, but gets stabbed in the chest (8 DDP) as he goes. The dwarven axeman adjusts his stance and brings down his own weapon in a sweeping motion and returns the favor trebly by hitting the enemy in the chest for 23. "What? What meddling? What are you talking about?"

R1T10: Lucette is alert to danger and delays ...

R1T9: Abenor quick draws both blades and steps around the corner while getting into style. His katana cuts into the man's quad for 14 while his wakizashi stabs him in the stomach for 11, dropping the half-orc.

R1T9: A tall, gangly, near-giant of a humanoid with a thick hide of mottled blue climes past the rocks to the north that led to the drop down to the water. The monster looks at Aasgar with protruding yellow canines, narrow slits for eyes, and large, powerful hands that end in wicked claws, one of which lashes at Aasgar with more speed than strength, but still slashing the dwarf's hand for (7 DDP).

R1T7: A voice deeper within the cavern says in Orc, *"Attack!"*

Aasgar sees a half-orc with a falchion in hand on the opposite ledge to the south seemingly drink something and then run and leap off the ledge to the floor below, landing adeptly on his feet after the 10' jump. This half-orc, by comparison to the one just filled, is six-and-a-half-feet tall.

R1T6-5: An immense wolf the size of a horse, its fangs as sharp as knives, moves from the southern ledge to bear down on Aasgar, gnashing against his armor and nearly puncturing through. Another wolf of the same type likewise closes on the party before then moving down a semi-natural ramp to the floor below.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

Imrijka takes a step behind Abenor, puts away her handaxe, and takes out a satchel that looks very similar to what the fallen half-orc tried to throw at her.

R2T23: Cici closes slightly and stares at the one wolf she can see and stares at it for no apparent effect.

R2T17: Bariswort continues to play his accordion, steps up, and casts a spell. A large, dark slick of grease appears underneath the wolf fighting Aasgar. The big, brown wolf loses its footing and falls.

R2T14: Another one of those hideously ugly, near-giant creatures climbs up from the area below ... to stand behind Bariswort!

R2T11: Aasgar, you have the inspiration of both maneuvers. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Aasgar's Ugly in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed. +1 vs. charm/ fear; +1 weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Imrijka: 25. Bow and tangleburn bag in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. Valiant keeper's stance.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Nothing in hand.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Ghaer: 9.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Dire Wolf (Brown): 6. PRONE!
Dire Wolf (White): 5.

Dead/ OOC