R5T24: Alexandru moves closer to his brother, holding his hammer at the ready, but stops before he trods upon Marius' pet rat.

R5T22: Zauberei, roll a Will save. What do you do?

Unseen flautist, Marius on deck ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
HEROES: +1 bonus on Initiative checks, Perception, and Disable Device checks. +1 insight bonus on Ref saves & to AC vs. traps and when FF'd.
Angelo: 29. Light on something worn. PLAYING tarnished flute, and is not overcome. Must save vs. flute each round.
* Tippy is a tattoo. Mage armor (5 hours).
Alexandru: 24. Light on shield, readied; warhammer. SHAKEN!!!
* Collective w/ Angelo.
Zauberei: 22. Mage armor (2 hours). Light on quarterstaff.
Piper of Illmarsh: 20. (21:32).
*** EVERY ROUND: All heroes must make a Will save vs. DC 14 or be shaken.
* Saved vs. hold person effect: Zauberei, Angelo, Lexi.
Marius: 18. Polearm-and-shield. TD.
Paula: 17. TD.
Wren: 14. Light on labcoat. Cat's grace (7 min).
Hargrimm: 9. 1 DEX BLEED!!! Wand of lesser restoration in hand.
* Heal: A DC 20 Heal check ends the bleed effect. Rest or restorative magic is needed to heal ability damage.
* Akashic Bond w/ Marius, Zauberei, Wren, Angelo, and Alexandru: THP (5), +1 insight bonus on saves, +1 DEX (noted on sheets).

Skeleton (7).