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Thread: Cosmic Hunters (OOC)

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    Ogre in the Playground
    remetagross's Avatar

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    Default Re: Cosmic Hunters (OOC)

    And now, Ereshki's Fort save against Str damage (1d20+13)[31], Dex damage (1d20+13)[33] and Cha damage (1d20+13)[30].

    EDIT: mate, she's on a roll

    EDIT 2: how high is the ceiling in our lobby, GM? I'm asking because I'm considering having Ereshki fly back to Ux Utanar by squeezing in the lobby, bu that wouldn't work if the lobby's not only narrow, but also low.
    Last edited by remetagross; 2022-09-14 at 07:30 AM.
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