First Sergeant Honor
Warforged Paladin of Conquest
AC: 19 HP: 54/54
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
Concentrating on:
5 / 5 d10 HD
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd
Lay on Hands- 25/25

Honor sees the arcs of lightning flying at his compatriots when they strike the elementals. Looking to the one that menaces him and surge, he shrugs, draws his hammer off his back, and utters the command word that causes it to glow with incredible heat. "We shall see what breaks first, stormling. The hammer or the anvil." Then, with a mighty battle roar, Honor steps forward and swings mightily.

Spoiler: OOC
Maul attack, with flame tongue active for more damage. Two attacks- (1d20+7)[26] to hit, and (2d6+4)[15] bludgeoning, plus (2d6)[5] fire. Second attack- (1d20+7)[13] to hit, and (2d6+4)[7] bludgeoning damage, plus (2d6)[10] fire damage. If either attack hits, he will activate a level one divine smite for an additional (2d8)[11] radiant damage.