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Thread: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

  1. - Top - End - #251
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

    Gumok heals Kharesh, who delivers a powerful blow to the ribs of the gnoll before him, but misses with the second. Sadar has less luck, and fails to connect with Purheegee. Gex wracks the gnoll's mind with pain, Mauricio scores a solid blow with his crossbow, and Dalnu blasts him again with magic missiles. Under this combined onslaught, the gnoll collapses from his wounds as he tries to draw his axe.

    The other gnoll screams, “PURHEEGEE!” She draws her battle axe, and chops violently at Kharesh, biting hard into his arm with the blow.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Vs Kharesh
    Gnoll axe: (1d20+10)[19] Damage: (1d8+4)[9]
    Gnoll axe: (1d20+5)[8] Damage: (1d8+4)[5]

    Net Damage:
    Sadar 8
    Kharesh 12
    Mauricio 7
    Dalnu 3
    Gnoll 9
    Purheegee 49
    H1 20
    H2 20

    Spoiler: Map