
Sargon reviewed the items Echo had brought back. "Yes, these will be adequate for our needs. The wards are Temproary, and will weaken with age. They should be done before we begin the trip through the maw at the earliest, but some practice would not go amiss. Make any mistakes now, when it doesn't matter. The hardest part is going to be showing you how to draw the proper sigils without any paper. Or diagrams." He sighed, producing a stream of bubbles that floated slowly towards the top of the tank.

"Start with the simple ones, I suppose. Get something that can be moved to put these on, these are not the sort of thing you want inscribed in a navigation chamber. Shall we begin?"

Spoiler: OOC
Roll an Int test.


Anika and Macharius waited while the Rings did their scouting and reported back. When they did, the reason for Gex's directions become clear - the are of the hive he'd directed them to was riddled with traps and security measures, including servitor turrets, and the winding route they'd been given was designed to thread a safe path through the hazards. There were a lot of blind corners and tight spaces down in the bottom of the hive, with very little in terms of clear sight lines, and anyone simple trying to sneak through the area had a very low chance of successfully doing so without running afoul of Gex's paranoia. No doubt he changed the layout of the safe path regularly. He probably also had a few back ways in.