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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Lily had wanted to be wrong. And she was.

    She hadn't thought that desire all the way through, hadn't realized that being wrong would mean she not only now felt silly, but didn't even have a destroyed zombie to show for it.

    Oh, and also, the freaking Live Studio Audience or whatever they were was laughing at her (okay, they were cheering for her, but they were calling her Flower Girl so it got rewritten to laughing at her in her head).

    Man Apophis was just...freaking infuriating, is what he was.

    But those concerns had to all be forced back to the back of her mind. The Hip-Hop Zombie hadn't returned to rejoin the battle. That meant it was out there in the city, causing who-knew-what manner of chaos and destruction. Or possibly getting into a rap battle with some teenagers. But probably the chaos and destruction thing.

    They needed to get out there and stop it, but it was taking everything they had just to deal with the two zombies in here. Lily didn't know if they could spare a fighter, and wasn't sure any of them could actually go one on one with one of these zombies for long.

    (And if it was out there long enough, the police might engage it. If Hannah and Andrew came up against one of these things, it would tear through them like tissue paper.)

    They needed to drop the Classical Zombie. Then two of them could move to engage Hip-Hop, and the other two could deal with Ballet. Two to one odds would be sufficient. They had to be.

    But first they had to drop the Classical Zombie.

    Lily drew deep on the reserves of sunlight within her. She only had so much to spare, and this would use up much of what remained. But it didn't matter. The Classical Zombie had to fall, now, or people were going to die. Her skin visibly got just a bit thinner, dryer, more brittle. Her pale blond hair started to turn brown at the edges, like a flower just beginning to wilt.

    And she fired a pair of oranges, one from each hand, down into the thick of the melee. They struck together, fusing and extending, into a twisting tangle of vines from which sprouted something like half a dozen nightmarish flowers, like some sort of unholy cross between venus fly traps, Super Mario pirhanna plants, and anger, with jaws composed of four wildly snapping petals, teeth of wicked curved thorns dripping with sizzling acid.

    They spat their nectar everywhere, spraying her fellow heroes with more healing, while slathering the Classical Zombie with enough acid to melt a full-grown horse down to a few pitted bones and a puddle of red-orange goop.

    Free: Reconfigure Flower Power. 10 points to Floral Thorn, 10 points to Acidic Nectar, 10 points to Lingering Acid, 10 points to Healing Nectar (5 ranks), 5 points to Medicinal Nectar, 5 points to Floral Vines (using Dynamic Choices to swap it to Healing).

    Move: Attempt to Feint CZ at [roll]1d20+5z[/roll].

    Standard: Attack CZ with Acidic Nectar, All Out Attack for 5, Power Attack for 5, at (1d20+10)[27]. On a hit, Resistance DC 30 vs. Secondary Effect Damage. On a miss, Homing. Regardless, Helios, Nope, and Ariadne receive Restorative Healing.
    Helios: (1d20+5)[11]. 1 RP. Helios literally just can't be healed.
    Nope: (1d20+5)[25]. CRIT! 20 RP.
    Ariadne: (1d20+5)[21]. 11 RP

    Extra Effort - Additional Standard Action: DO IT AGAIN! If CZ is down target BZ instead and Accurate Attack for 2 to partially-offset the Power Attack. (1d20+10)[16].
    Helios: (1d20+5)[6]. Screw it, using my second Growing a Better Future reroll. HEAL DARN YOU!
    Nope: (1d20+5)[11]. +1 RP, 21 total
    Ariadne: (1d20+5)[12]. +2 RP, 12 total

    Current Status: Fatigued, Exhausted as of next turn, AoA -5. Recover used.
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2022-08-25 at 12:42 AM.
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