Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
Does "I see the appeal of sexual intercourse but honestly it seems like too much work for not enough pay-off" count as a kind of ace?
Yes. But also not really relevant. "Dating isn't worth the bother" communicates the basic idea to most people in five words. "Gray ace" in two, but for anyone who isn't in spaces that regularly discuss fine shading of sexuality-space you'll likely be asked to elaborate and that'll likely take more than three words.

I guess my question back is why you're asking. If it's for yourself, you're free to define yourself however you like. If it's for discussing people who like to talk about the fine details of gender and sexuality, the answer is generally yes but also those people like to discuss things to death so you'll likely be asked to elaborate regardless. (Unless you run into a pocket of people who are gatekeepy and one-true-way-ish, in which case remove yourself as soon as you reasonably can.) If it's for people outside those spaces, I only say no because there are likely better ways to match the idea to the audience's vocabulary.