What a wonderful turn of events that I'm sure will work out perfectly fine for everyone.

I wasn't expecting to get anything truly tangible from meeting with Sargon, so if Echo can't make this work, then I won't be upset. It's interesting, though, and fits well into the character arc that I want, so I'm willing to try. I'm on the fence about whether or not he'd ask for help when he inevitably fails on his own. If Echo thinks that what he's attempting is morally questionable (more so than taking advice from Sargon is in the first place, just on its own grounds), then he wouldn't rush to inform the rest of the crew. Then again, if he's worried about it, he probably wouldn't try at all. But I was under the impression that these wards were as tame as such a thing can be. Baby Heretic's first training wheels, that sort of thing. Sargon would surely know that he needs to ease Kennoch in slowly and carefully, and you didn't mention his advice being horrifying to Kennoch, so, I'm going to operate under the assumption that he's learning things that're restricted rather than utterly forbidden. It's for a good cause, after all, and he will certainly never dream of going any further, no matter how convenient that might be later down the line.

I'll keep thinking about this and try to get a post up tomorrow night. That'll give you time to clarify for me just how bad of a thing Echo is being talked into attempting, and if I'm right in thinking that he could reasonably squint hard enough and pretend that he isn't doing something terrible, not really. If nothing else, the Ministorum blessed charms seem like a wholesome idea, so that's a nice backup.

Inquiry (2): (1d100)[57]
Reroll (might as well try it, but if I'm lucky enough to get within a degree of success, I'll spend the Fate Point that way instead): (1d100)[62]