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Thread: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

    After some discussion over breakfast, the group settles on taking the path from the East. Following the old muckraker’s directions leads the party behind the Bakery at Horrth Plaza. The rusted wrought iron grate is lifted with only a little difficulty allowing for descent into the sewers below. A sturdy ladder makes the movement to nearly 20’ below possible.

    The first thing you notice is the smell. While outside of the grate it was subtle, at the bottom the olfactory barrage is relentless. The fetid air below is cold and damp. There is a slight grade to the stone floor, which permits the flowing central canal of sewage to descend rather than stagnate. The acoustics from the hard stone walls cause sounds to echo and effuse everything you can hear the distant sounds of waterfalls, metal clanging, objects splashing into water, animals screeching, rhythmic thumping, and countless other noises pervading the atmosphere. The ceilings are fairly low, only about 7’ high. Lastly, it is very dark.

    Spoiler: Lowlight vision (Dalnu, Gex, Mauricio)
    You can see that the stone path is 5 ft wide and descends into darkness. On one side of the path is a stone wall, the other side descends about two feet into the foul sewage. This river of filth stretches for about five feet and then a second pathway on the other bank runs parallel to where you stand.

    Spoiler: Darkvision (Gurmok, Kharesh)
    You can see that the stone path is 5 ft wide, on one side of the path is a stone wall, the other side descends about two feet into the foul sewage. This river of filth stretches for about five feet and then a second pathway on the other bank runs parallel to where you stand. At several points in view, wooden planks are laid across the gap allows for crossing from one side to the other. Scattered along the stone are the occasional pieces of wood, either covering damage, or covering smaller chutes of waste from different sources. Uphill about 20 ft back is a wall that only the sewage flows under. The descent down leads into a perpendicular corridor and another river of sewage about 50’ away.

    Spoiler: All
    This is our first foray into exploration mode. Describe what your character is doing, and I can roll the relevant checks. Also, please construct a marching order.

    Lastly, what do you do with Zen? Do you try to bring him down the ladder?
    Last edited by SanguinePenguin; 2022-08-23 at 03:43 PM.