Kharesh Hammerfist, dwarven monk

Kharesh rubbed his head thoughtfully, commenting, "How do you tell the difference between nothing and a lie? And if he sells information of our asking to the gnolls, that's just as bad."

Sighing, he waved to the others. ”I talk too much. Action over indecision ... east it is. Perhaps we can beat any news of our coming.”

OOC - not going to rock the boat over perceived issues. Moving on out! Kharesh is an okay scout (decent perception/stealth and darkvision), so he can go first if folks like.

Effects / Status / Conditions: Darkvision; Ancient Blooded Dwarf (+1 save vs magic); Cat Fall (falls are 10’ less)

Spoiler: Crunch& Status
AC: 17 (19) HP 22 Initiative +5
Saves: Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +7 Per +5 / Move 20’ (14’)
Abilities: Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 8
Skills: Acrobatics +5, Athletics +7, Warfare Lore +3, Religion +5, Stealth +5, Pahmet Lore +3
Abilities: Call on Ancient Blood (prior to rolling a save vs magical effect, add +1 [circ]); Flurry of blows (make two strikes for 1 action [flourish]); Mountain stance (see below); Darkvision; Dwarven Weapon Familiarity; Cat Fall (treat falls as 10' shorter)
Stance: Mountain (+4 AC, +2 vs Shove/Trip, +0 Max Dex, -5 ft move; Falling Stone are only Strikes useable in stance)
Combat: Axe (+7 / 1d8S+4 / sweep); Clan Dagger (+7 / 1d4P+4 / agile, dwarf, parry, uncommon, versatile B); Unarmed (+7 / 1d6B+4 / agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed); Falling Stone (+7 / 1d8B+4 / forceful, nonlethal, unarmed)