As Laura begins to back away, the throne room explodes in raucous laughter that threatens to drown out her words. The Yellow King continues his approach, gliding forward on something other than legs. The robed figure moves closer at an impossible speed, growing larger and larger till it seems like the Yellow King might expand and fill the entire court. "Your never ending servitude," The King hisses in reply, voice booming so that it shakes the entire castle. Larger clods of dust and dirt, and even a few stones come loose from the ceiling. "You shall be mine forever," The King says, calling Laura by another name that she once went by but now cannot seem to remember, "You are my servant and shall stay here in Carcosa for ever, and with your help, I shall conquer Arcadia!" The King was raving madly, bovine eyes round and wild though still Laura could not perceive any face.

As the throne room continues to shake with the King's thundering voice and growing frame, the massive wooden doors of the hall's entrance blow open, their blood red paint shimmering in a near blinding yellow light that was pouring in through the arched doorframe.