The rogue slowly, and making sure there is no confusion, removes a kit from a pouch at his side, as he says, “bandages for her wounds… please.” He then goes to administer first aid to the downed half-orc.

Sapha looks pretty nervous and holds up her hands beseechingly, but answers, “I am Sapha, these are my friends. And we didn’t abduct you! We tried to… uh, unencumber you of any excess wealth… which I thought you were going to have since you were looking to buy fancy jewelry, but you didn’t. I thought you might have had a stash or know where valuables could be found, but you haven’t been forthcoming about that. We weren’t going to hurt you! We’re desperate for some coin is all.”

Spoiler: Dalnu
Everything she is saying checks out pretty well with what you’ve seen. Aside from the bracelet she originally showed you to lure you here, none of them has displayed much of value other than weapons and armor. They postured and threatened, but aside from tying you up, have done nothing to hurt you. She has been asking you mostly questions about stashes and where valuables are stored. You’ve also overheard the others trying to figure out what they would do with you.