Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
I'm... tentatively interested. Never actually heard of jumpchains before this, so I'll read the documents and see what I can figure out. Got vague ideas already. I'm guessing the document answers my main questions, which are: If I choose a film/book universe, does the jumper take over one of the main character roles and play a big part, and how much knowledge of the setting they enter with, if they're aware of the magic rules and stuff. Because I'm currently tempted by Mistborn, and the magic systems are all very secretive for various reasons.

Actually, one question for real: Do they have to 'earn' stuff that needs earning in the source material? For example, I know very little about Exalted, but did Ensara 'earn' her Infernal Exaltation by impressing the Yozi or whatever or was it given to her by the Benefactor?
It depends on the Document: For example, Mass Effect: Legendary edition has a Scenario where you essentially become commander Shepard and have to save the Galaxy from the Reapers(with the note that you get a pass on Shepard's canonical deaths)

And no, if you paid points for it you just have it and it can't be permenantly taken away.