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Thread: Jumpers Vs. Wh40k ITP OOC 1

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    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

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    Mar 2010

    Default Jumpers Vs. Wh40k ITP OOC 1

    Hello, This is a roleplay about "Jumpers" people who go to world from world seemingly in ten year increments having adventures and acquiring power, somehow being trapped in the Warhammer 40k universe.

    I am setting this of course Pre-Great Rift. The Imperium is still whole, and is as hilariously evil and full of corruption as it is in canon. Cadia still stands and guards the Eye of Terror. The Primarchs are absent. Things like this may of course, change as it goes along. Your goal is either to survive long enough (ten years is standard) or win against Warhammer 40,000. What defines winning may be determined by a few scenarios/victory conditions that we work out, but what is notable is that none of the Jumper were expecting or choosing to be in this universe.

    The universe and the encounters will not be scaled to the PCs. All Jumpers will have three jumps (or worlds they spent time on) to build their character and since there is no limit on what jumps you can choose, they can get pretty broken real quick, with some quite possibly becoming so powerful that most any combat encounter might not pose any actual danger. This will not be the most serious roleplay in the world and most of the fun might be in just messing around with the Imperium of Mankind with cool powers or something while they have over the top reactions. It depends on how powerful the jumper is on whether this is a "I'm locked in here with them" or "they're locked in here with me" situation. Who knows.

    Anyways, without further ado, the rules:
    Preliminary rules, stolen copied over from other RPs:

    Spoiler: THE RULES
    Rule the first, no godmodding. A far better explanation of godmodding than I can give is here.

    Rule the second, please remember that we plan to have a far more directed plot than Nexus. Please run any major spanners in the works past guys on this thread first.

    Rule the third, don't ruin anyone else's fun. I can't stress this enough.

    Rule the fourth, have fun! (Failure to abide by this rule is subject to immediate banishment. )

    Spoiler: New and Improved (but Loose) Rules v.1.1!
    These "rules" are more loose guidelines that serve another FFRPG very well so we adopted them into this one, because they work.

    1. Consider asking to join in fights before jumping in. Please respect that not all plots might be open. Alternatively, if you yourself want to keep a fight cordoned off from other participants, say so in the OOC, at the beginning of your post, or both.
    2. Talk major fights over with your opponent! This is to keep arguments about who's the better fighter, who should win, blablablablabla, out of the OOC. Of course, talk these things over in PM, or some kind of IM service. While arguments might break out over said PM/IM ... it keeps it out of the OOC. Which is what we're trying to do here. (This part is currently under review.) On that note ...
    3. Don't argue in the OOC! They make the atmosphere oppressive, they make things less fun, and generally unpleasant and maybe even make the arguments larger than they need be. So, if you have a problem with someone, try to talk it out in PM or IM before using the OOC. That said ...
    4. COMMUNICATE! This is the most important rule. We have had issues in the past with people not communicating properly, leading to arguments and hurt feelings, and even several people leaving for good. So please communicate your plans, if they affect everyone else.

    Spoiler: Rules Specific To This Roleplay

    None right now, but will be added if needed.

    Spoiler: Useful Information

    Jumpchain Term Glossary:

    The TJ All Jumpchains List
    (go to the Drives, Notes tab at the bottom for instructions)

    <Your character's name here>

    Age: Exact number or rough estimation.
    Gender: Male, female, etc.
    Height: Centimeters and/or feet and inches.
    Weight: Kilograms and/or pounds.

    What does your character look, feel, smell and sound like?

    How does your character think? What drives him and what kind of a fellow is he?

    What has happened to your character before the game and made them who they are?

    Story So Far:
    You can summarize and update here what has happened to your character during the game.


    Other information:

    Anything you can't fit to the brackets above, such as equipment or property your character owns.

    If you want to join, read up on the last few pages of the main IC thread, or even better, ask one of us here what's currently happening. We will figure out a good place to introduce your character. After that, make an introductory post telling where your characters are and what they're doing, and we'll continue from there.

    Spoiler: Jumper Roster

    Kalli, The Dark Jumper


    Gold Leaf:
    Ezekiel Olde

    Earl of Purple:
    Edward Sinton

    Frode Tryggvassen

    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2023-10-03 at 06:29 AM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".