Name: Ababnimboble, or Abab short.
Ways to Contact: Via forum messages.
Posting Frequency: Daily
Type of Campaign: D&D 5e, GURPS 4e, willing to learn otherwise
Types of Characters: Whatever the hell I feel like at the time.
Old Characters: *You open the chest before you...* *You found a nothing*
Old Campaigns: *You open the chest before you...* *A creeping darkness consumes you from within the chest!* *You are likely to be eaten by a Grue...*
Other Information: A bit touchy with any sensual RP (just ask first), minorly lactose intolerant, do have access to VC but don't usually talk much, aaaaaand likely to give nudges if concerned a campaign is not going anywhere (VERY anxious about anything and everything that can bother me).