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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: The LA Assignment Thread XII: the LA-bors of Heracles


    Hanging against the stars like some giant bird or fabulous insect,
    this creature's diaphanous body looks like it was woven from gauze and spiderwebs.
    Twelve luminous eyes twist kaleidoscopically within its body,
    and as you catch their gaze the world around you seems to shift and change.

    ...Yeah, best I got.

    Size & Type: Large Fey (Incorporeal, Psionic)
    Space/Reach: 10'/5'
    HD: 11, 23 (Huge)
    Speed: Fly 50' (Perfect) (...Noted as being six squares. Ugh.)
    Ability Scores: Str -, Dex +6, Con +2, Int -4, Wis +6, Cha +8 - Net +18, one penalty
    Natural Armor: N/A
    Natural Weapons: One Primary Incorporeal Touch (Sleep)
    Skill List: Concentration, Knowledge (Local), Listen, Spot
    Body Shape: Indeterminate
    Speech (Languages): No
    CR: 9
    WotC LA: -
    Our LA: +1

    DR 5/cold iron, immunity to mind-affecting, Power Resistance 21 (which is actually pretty good for this level), and the ability to see even in magical darkness cap off a decent chassis. Also, you have undefined fast healing and regeneration. No listed numbers or way to bypass the regen (or is that a 3.0 thing?).

    So, first thing's first: You are very difficult to permanently kill. If you would "die" while in the physical world, you simply fall back into the Dreamscape. Though you can be killed there as well, presumably for good this time, this effectively makes you immortal for most practical purposes.

    Second, you are undetectable by creatures who do not sleep and dream, even with most enhanced senses. Blindsight, blindsense, scent, and tremorsense are useless, as is the Touchsight power. Psionic True Seeing (and presumably the magical one as well) works though.

    You have a 60' gaze attack that forces a Charisma-based will save vs a -4 circumstance penalty to attacks, saves, and skill checks for 1d6 rounds. Notably, there is no 24-hour immunity clause; so this thing goes off every round, and of course there's nothing that says the save penalty doesn't also apply to the gaze attack itself. The downside of course being that it's a regular gaze attack and not the kind you have to target as a standard action that we see occasionally. So your friends will want some kind of protection from that. (Of course, being unable to perceive you by being an Elf, Undead, etc works... while having its own problems.)

    Your touch sends victims to sleep, with another Charisma-based will save to avoid it. This works as a Sleep spell (ugh), except with no HD limit (oh, okay then), and lasts until the victim is forced awake instead of only a few minutes.

    Finally, you have a handful of Psi-Like Abilities, all but one being at ML9. DCs appear to be Charisma-based.
    At-Will: Brain Lock (any non-mindless), Concealing Amorpha, Crisis of Breath (any non-mindless)
    3/day: Dispel Psionics (+17 bonus... And I'm pretty sure that's a typo there and that 20 is supposed to say "dispel check 1d20" instead of just "dispel check 20"... but if this think automatically counts as nat-20ing its dispel checks, that would be more than a little nuts), Dream Travel (ML13, self only)
    1/day: Death Urge
    Last edited by Debatra; 2022-08-01 at 09:49 AM.
    Kaedanis Pyran, tai faernae.

    The LA Assignment Threads: Attempting to Make Monsters Playable Since 2016

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    Spoiler: Quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by Lycan 01 View Post
    Roland just endorsed a crack pairing?

    Did... did we break the universe?
    Quote Originally Posted by SassyQuatch View Post
    It is a major flaw in the game. Destroy a moon? Sure. Talk to somebody a hundred miles away, that's going to be difficult.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rizban View Post
    Realistically speaking... D&D style magic doesn't exist, so... let's ignore reality.