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Thread: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

    Sadar, Gex, and Kali take the ladder to the roof, as Kharesh, Mauricio, and Gurmok open the hatch. The three of them scurry quietly through the small hatch and onto a small second level of the warehouse with four bed rolls and a ladder. The roof team creeps along, the roof slightly creaking under their combined weight.

    Spoiler: Gurmok, Kharesh & Sadar
    You hear voices arguing softly.

    “Look, Sapha doesn’t want to abandon this hideout for nothing.”
    “I know, but what is the plan? We can’t keep her here forever.”
    “The plan is solid, I mean it worked, right? We try again then …”

    As he strains to better hear, Sadar shifts his weight which causes a piece of the roof to give way. The warrior is narrowly able to avoid following the debris onto the dirt floor below.

    “Crap! Was she followed?!”
    “Saph! We got company!” The voice shouts loudly, as its owner, a young man in leather armor comes into view from the area unseen from the gap in the roof and hurls a dart at Sadar, which strikes him in the shoulder.

    Spoiler: Actions
    R moved, drew a dart and threw it
    Attack: (1d20+7)[25] Damage: (1d4+2)[4]

    Everyone but Kali can act now

    Spoiler: Map
    Three levels: ground (including a room behind a closed door), above the room (7 ft up), and the roof (12ft up)
    Gray on roof is a hole, you can see most of the room.
    Gray on ground is a room behind a closed door (only Dalnu and Saph are in there).
    Dark red walls are doors (all but hatch is closed)
    Orange walls are ladders