
Cypher's search reveals plenty of interest. Both carry spellbooks, in packs that lie around the hip, as well as packs of materil compoments commonly used in arcane casting. The senior guard had a set of +1 Bracers of Armour, made in silver with lunar imageragy repeated across its surface. They further both had small squares of card with black and white images of them upon, also giving their name and rank. One was Guardsman Rathal, the other Guard Captin Marikoth, there are further arcane arrangements below that would seem to be another identifier in some way. They also carry four lightweight sets of manacles and a length of chain each, as well as a ring of keys. They each have a needlessly ornate wooden club at their sides, but thier uniforms would provide minimal actual armour. Finally Rathal was carrying a scroll of Detect Thoughts.

Outside, you can hear further shouting, but none seem to be heading down your particuar alley quite yet.


The small woman in robes turns quickly to face you, clutching her amulet. The woman you first ran into turns to you with nought but suprise while the other two put their hands to their weapons but don't draw or ready them quite yet.

The robed figure begins. "Why are you here then? When so capable as to cut down the wizards above and their golems. Even as it seems you must not serve them I would have heard if the network were sending one such as yourself. What cause do you have to chase us down here?"