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Thread: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by Anymage View Post
    Question. What does gender therapy actually entail? Google is giving me a bunch of "how to find a gender therapist" and posts about the generalized benefits that gender therapy can provide, while I'm curious what the therapy does to help prepare you for life after you come our and/or medically transition.
    There's differences depending on what direction you're going but typically you take medicine to suppress the wrong and medicine to generate the good. Once you've done this long enough that your body is successfully in the correct factory settings, you can (if you wish) continue on to therapy that assists with it. I don't know how boy stuff works but for girls once you have bottom surgery you can stop the suppressants since the stuff that makes the boy juice is gone.
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2022-07-13 at 09:30 PM.