Mauricio doesn’t think anyone is cheating in the game. Jaghun provides clear directions to the warehouse and the party takes their leave of the intimidating gnoll tavern.

It is about a ten minute walk, and by this time it is well into the late afternoon. The dingy streets replete with refuse continue to showcase their urchins, gnolls, and toughs, while also admitting a new element - handfuls of oblivious men and women slumped against the side of decrepit hovels and boarded up warehouses with with vapid looks of extreme ecstasy plastered on their gaunt faces. You catch the tail end of an urchin rifling through one of their pockets before fleeing - the euphoric man indifferent to or more likely unaware of the exchange.

Finally you arrive at the small warehouse with no remaining signage to betray what (if any) legitimate purpose it once served. The building stands almost twelve feet in height and forming a roughly 30’x30’ square. The windows are all well boarded up and no activity is apparent from a distance. A large door, nearly 15’ wide and 10’ high could potentially be slid open, although whether such a flamboyant ingress is both unsecured and functional in light of the overall state of the building seems unlikely. To the right of this is a more standard sized door. A rickety ladder leads to the roof. A small 3’x3’ square hatch in the back of the building is about 7’ high off the ground. No other obvious entrances can be detected from a distance.