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Thread: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAIitp Part 60: Still Going Strong

    Quote Originally Posted by enderlord99 View Post
    Presumably, that it can't be detected, even indirectly, with the mind or senses. I don't know for sure if that's the sense they meant it in, but I also can't think of any other potential meaning.

    To be clear: I wasn't asserting that gender is unobservable; I was expressing befuddlement that Purple Eagle's link defined it that way.
    Ah, I think there's just a misunderstanding/confusion about the word then. I haven't written that website, obviously, but I think they meant "unobservable" just as a fancy synonym of "invisible" and not as "literally cannot be noticed by anyone in any way", considering they use it to differentiate it from phenotype, which is mostly visible.

    ( defines "observable" as "capable of being or liable to be observed; noticeable; visible; discernible")
    Last edited by Lycunadari; 2022-07-09 at 11:46 AM.
    You can call me Juniper. Please use gender-neutral pronouns (ze/hir (preferred) or they/them) when referring to me.

    "We all are vessels of our brokenness, we carry it inside us like water, careful not to spill. And what is wholeness if not brokenness encompassed in acceptance, the warmth of its power a shield against those who would hurt us?" - R. Lemberg, Geometries of Belonging

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