Lily's anger wasn't anything...focused, or specific here. It was just a kinda automatic reaction to a confrontation with Hannah - her anger from previous fights rearing back up. It was silly and she knew it was silly, but that didn't make her immune to it. When someone you love so much pisses you off, it hits ten times harder and ten times deeper than if it were a stranger.

Or at least, that was where her anger at the start of this conversation had come from.

But when Hannah made her statement, even without her augmented sense of smell, Lily would have caught the core intention behind it. It was all too obvious. Hannah considered herself to be compromising here, to be generously allowing Lily to take the risk of getting involved in her civilian capacity as a scientist.

Or, to put it another way, she wasn't sure Lily could handle even that.

No surprise, Hannah had said exactly the right thing to absolutely infuriate her sister. Lily had always been proud, particularly of her intellectual and scientific achievements. For Hannah to doubt her in a heroic capacity stung, sure, but to doubt her here, to think it was her job to protect her from doing some forensic chemistry in a freaking police lab...!

Yeah, without her heightened senses, Lily absolutely would have straight-up exploded here. Honestly it was a testament to Andrew's bravery that he hadn't taken a few steps back.

...But Lily did have her heightened senses, and that meant she wasn't basing her assessment of Hannah's words and intentions on her own natural, intuitive rapport. It meant she was able to pick up every tiny change in her sister's biochemistry and analyze it. It meant she recognized exactly what Hannah was trying to do here. Exactly how she was trying to manipulate her.

Exactly how willing she was to risk career repercussions to protect her helpless baby sister.

Gods blast it, fighting with people you love sucks!

Lily closed her eyes for a second or two. Just...processing. Letting it all flow through her. She was proud and she was angry, but for one getting a look at the evidence was potentially important and for another she didn't actually want to get her sister in trouble with her boss. So though it took an effort of will, she did not start screaming at Hannah at the top of her lungs.

She redirected that anger to the holdout option available to all younger siblings everywhere.

Sheer, irreverent cheek.

"I mean, obviously? I'm good at what I do, but it's not like Lily Woods, local biochemist extraordinaire, has much else to contribute on the police investigation front," she said, with a frankly trollish smile. It wouldn't take a superhuman sense of smell, or even Lily's natural rapport, to understand the subtext behind that statement: Floral doesn't answer to you, so nyeh.