"We have something useful here." The Red Horns announced to his companions.
"A bag of tricks - you can pull up to three animals per day from them that are friendly and helpful to you. The other one is filled with magic beans - their effects once planted are unpredictable. The third one is a bag of holding, but something feels off about it. I'd refrain from using it for now, until I can get a better feel for it.

Anyone of you who'd be particularly interested in those items?"


When the time came to climb, The Red Horns mainly assisted their guide with binding and testing the knots, realizing that the druid had much more experience with the intricacies of surviving in the wild.

Still, he made sure to test the knot everytime and then fly up just below the climber, ready to catch them, should it become necessary.


The druid npc likely has the best combination of wisdom and survival, so it makes sense to have him take care of this task. TRH uses the help action to give him advantage

But just in case a bunch of Dex Saves:

Draelin (1d20+3)[19]
Nix (1d20+3)[16]
Nolwenn (1d20+3)[17]
Xarmus (1d20+3)[19]
Ziri (1d20+3)[20]
Qaswaha (1d20+3)[9]

For the boat, TRH is by himself to tie the knot, but can receive the help action from his steel defender



For the boat, The Red Horns took his time to tie the knot particularly secure. And while the crew up on the cliff pulled it up, he held on to the other side, flying with it and keeping it from bashing against the walls.