Finding Nothing

Surprisingly, the woman laughs in response to Remy's choice of words, a soft, sweet sound swiftly strangled by embarrassment. "Oh, I don't mean to--it's just... you sound like Ca--a fr--a coworker of mine." A bit of Texas drawl shows through on her words as she becomes more flustered, stopping and starting what she is saying several times. "I didn't mean to say--er, I should..." she trails off into silence.

A long few moments later, she painfully attempts to change the subject. "It's funny--wait, no, this place, I mean--" Mortified for reasons perhaps known only to her, she makes herself keep talking. "People don't--don't usually, I mean--come here much. You can kind of... disappear." The woman shrinks back from that word, folding in on herself slightly. "Not something I think I'd... I'm just filling the air, aren't I? I'll stop..."

Evidence Interrogation

Hannah doesn't change her stance as Lily marches up to her; her back is straight, arms crossed as well, still in full detective interrogation mode. "You're here because you're one of the best--if not the best--biochemist in Forester's Bay, and you might pick something up our techs missed," she says flatly, laying out the accolade as a statement of fact. "Once you find what you can find--if anything new--then your part in this is done. We can take care of the rest." Behind you, Andrew sighs again, radiating resigned, brotherly disappointment at the tone of the conversation.

Spoiler: Insight (Really Perception for Lily, but still) DC 20 (nested)
From her scent, it seems like this is something of a compromise from Hannah, as though even admitting that you could help in the investigation as Lily is a stretch for you. Within her confrontational tone, she actually thinks she's being generous by letting you through at all.

Spoiler: DC 25
...If that's the case, though, why is she here to say it, and why did she say it how she did? It's almost like she's trying to provoke you into a confrontation--a fight, or at least a screaming match. She'd get in a lot of trouble if she started screaming at a civilian in the middle of the police station, so why is she doing it?

Spoiler: DC 30
Hannah would get in trouble... but so would you, for yelling at a police officer, especially in the current climate of Forester's Bay. It's not a stretch to think that if you start fighting loudly with your sister here, you could get kicked out of the police station... and then Hannah would have "protected" her little sister, in her own mind at least.

Patterns in Patterns

The street is almost entirely deserted; the Industrial Block is not somewhere to be caught out alone, though the daylight (and her own mystical strength) has kept Kal from being accosted by anything or anyone on her trip there.

The Garage of the future smells like motor oil, oil paint, wood shavings, and heated metal; an art studio and a car repair shop, rolled into one. The place is well lit with surprisingly soft lighting given its general shape and presentation as a small warehouse or car garage. The entire building is divided in half by a low wall that doesn't quite reach the ceiling; sounds of sandpaper and an occasional low buzz from a saw can be heard over the wall from the back end. The front area seems to be a gallery of some sort; several pieces of standing sculpture, from meticulous recreations of cityscapes in miniature wood to abstract piles of half-melted metal, dot the space, each with a small placard holding the name of the artist and of the piece. A smaller amount of paintings and engravings hang on the walls. Ariadne has things to say about each and every piece, if Kal wishes to listen.

Near the small door set in the center of the low wall are three people; Wrath, and a man and a woman. Wrath is speaking to them in a low voice that seems charged with some amount of emotion, though there's enough distance and noise in the Garage that Kal can't quite make out what she's saying. The woman, tall with short greying black hair and sharp features, is listening intently, her face hard to read. The man, short with thick, dark brown hair and a bushy beard, sees Kal enter and brightens with professional enthusiasm, half-raising a hand, before a snapped interjection by Wrath turns his attention back to her. Wrath doesn't turn around herself.

Books and Bindings

Dante glances back at Flint, irritated at the question, before shrugging and softening his features. "You are getting closer to that level, I suppose, and it is not one of the larger secrets. How much do you know of the myths of... our associate?" he begins, changing his verbiage at the last second since he is technically in public. "Birds of any stripe are not the most welcome in the Main Drag, given the circumstances. Some of our... friends are a little more enthusiastic about the issue than others, so I wanted to make sure the man heard the warning before he came into trouble. I'm surprised he hadn't heard before, is all."

Over Dante's shoulder, the "pigeon" ruffles its feathers ever so slightly before stilling again. The proprieter doesn't respond.

Spoiler: Expertise (Egyptian Myhtology) DC 20 (can be untrained) or (History) DC 25
In Egyptian legends, the snake Apophis was thwarted in his attempts to consume the sun by a band of gods who protected Ra and his charge, most notably Ra's grandson Horus. Horus was a hawk-headed god, and had a strong connection to birds.