Qawasha counsels you not to seek out the pterafolk, for they simply cannot be trusted. Eager to be on your way, you continue upriver.

The next day the river becomes decidedly narrower. You encounter fewer and fewer tributaries, and the water starts to look a clearer, rather than muddy. The jungle retreats up high cliffs, the grow higher as you travel. You spend the night on a flat island in the river, with the stars twinkling overhead instead of being blocked out by the canopy.

Finally, late in the afternoon on the 9th day of your adventure, the river becomes too shallow for the heavily laden canoes. It continues around a corner and out of sight. The cliffs here vary in height between 120 and 150 feet. They are rough and in many places covered with vines and tree roots. Some areas certainly look more climbable than others. It's too late in the day to start the portage, but you can look around and make some plans before dark.

Spoiler: notes
See slide deck for a photo approximation of the area. I want some "figuring it out" from you. Chose a skill (or two) and describe how you'd like to use it. This is going to be a group effort. Rather than one bad roll dooming the endeavor, I will take the average of all the successes/failures, and use that to calculate how effectively you can pull this off. Bonus points for creativity and ingenuity. Ask any questions you have.