(OOC: Well now technically, since everyone is joining in, I should make this an assisted roll, which would mean only one person is a primary, and everyone else's successes just add dice to their pool... but I'm feeling too nice right now for that. I count 6/8 successes now)

Fortunately for Joanna, Bear and especially Jeremy join in. Jeremy seems to know right away what needs to be done, and helps lay out schematics and a list of supplies that will be needed to upgrade everything as promised! He shares the list and a few websites that the group can search for the listed supplies, and pretty soon, most everything needed has been identified and ordered. Parts will need to come in and be assembled, but then the group should be good to go!

(OOC: I'm going to cut off other players from rolling here, since the point of an extended action is that it should take time, and because I don't think the group will be able to source all the hardware locally. What we'll say is that all the parts will have come by the next bit of downtime, and we can have someone roll for assembly for the last two successes)

************************************************** *********************

'Good to meet you Micah.' Joanna nods 'Is it always this busy?'
The man looks Joanna over quizzically for a moment then says, "Well, I mean we do decently, but I think there is a decent crowd building already to see you guys perform." He chuckles uncomfortably then adds to Joanna, and also eyeing Jeremy, "And you are? I don't think I recognize you from the last time the band performed."