R5T14: Aasgar moves north and west setting, but doing so opens him up from a soft crit from Blue-Green as his falchion hits Aasgar alongside the head for 0 (11 mod DDP). Aasgar shrugs it off and continues, settling into a comfortable stanc while flanking his foe, and swings his axe in a wide arc. He returns the favor as his axe strikes Blue-Green in the head, cleanly cutting his head off just above the ears (along the eyes) and the axe continues on to hit the last orc in its studded leather.

R5T13: Omast goes from a high back to a low upswing (like golf!) and drives his greatsword through the orc's groin and up into its abdomen, pulls out the sword, and its guts just fall straight down as it dies. "Back across the barricade and spread out!"

He heads off, and is on the barricade when his turn ends.

R5T12: Cici heads south and taps Imrijka with her wand for 5 healing.

R5T9: Imrijka nods in gratitude and aims "down lane." "Aasgar, pull back over and don't stand in front of my line of fire."

R5T2: Abenor vaults the barricade and then positions himself where Cici was in order to cut the next set of logs when needed.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T14: Aasgar, what do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand. Dead round 2 complete. (DDP).
Omast: 13. Cat's grace til R52T13. Greatsword in hand.
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand. Wand of CLW in hand.
Orc Bombardier: 11. (DEAD). PRONE!!! Unerring grenade lit. Bomb will go off beginning of R6T9.
Imrijka: 9.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.

Orc (9). Orc bombardier.