Bliksem Los, the fabulous
Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

Safely back into the canoe, and dry!
That's an amazing trick Red Horn! You'll have to show me!

Looking at everyone, Bliksem clearly missed a part of the show while he was in the air and under the water, he looked around
What happened? I'm away 20 seconds then i'm in the water and no enemy in sight, almost as if it was a mirage.
He screamed as soon as his last word was over Mirage! then started murmuring The mirage bird! That's how we'll call them, sounds better in my ears, and way more melodic!
Bliksem looked at the Satyr Xarmus! Mirage bird! What do you think as a name?

As they started getting ready for camp, Bliksem did his usual. Placing rain cather in trees, making rounds around the camp up in trees.
Then he stayed with eveyrone, listening to the druid.
And after Red Horn giving an option through the canyon, Bliksem added I'm a good enough climber, i'll be able to help there too.

Qawasha, how high a cliff are we talking about? Even with a sure way to get us up there, do you think it'd be feasable to get the canoe up?