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Thread: unOrdinary

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Tron Spacetime

    Default Re: unOrdinary

    Here is my wild theory.

    Ability removal isn't actually removing ability. And the cure for ability removal is dampener.

    I base this on Sera vision getting blurry (post restoration) after interacting with John/Jane blood sample. Plus Spectre probably stealing from NxGen. From meta standpoint it would be a dramatic twist, even if uru likes to drag story around.

    How it works

    Ability removal permanently adds Jane's power to target. We don't know if people can have multiple powers in one body. Even John doesn't have multiple powers, he has one that mimics others. So when you get injected with Channel master, it being stronger simply shuts down your existing power. John power is hard to manifest even for him, let alone someone used to another set their whole life.

    When they get "cured" of ability removal, they instead get a damper that limits Jane's power and that allows your original power to assert itself.

    Being in proximity of Channel/Aura manipulation, weakens Sera, because it starts restoring Channel master, overriding original power.

    Injecting John with it, might just be biggest mistake Spectre made. Because it might turn him from 7.5 (4) -> 9.1. He has all predisposition to actually go beast mode on Spectre.
    Last edited by -D-; 2022-06-17 at 08:27 PM.