Jessica brightens up as Lightburn reports his findings. "Huh, I'd call that fortunate, though gold has less value out here than it might usually. Still, a lucrative mine is a great find for the Venture Company. We should make sure to note it carefully, Henri, so we can report to Ramona with details. In the meantime, if we can go down- even one at a time- and handle this choker issue permanently, that's kind of what we're here for, yeah? Here, let me cast a quick spell to simplify the trip."

A little sheepishly, Jessica conjures a simple connection between herself and Tazmara, Henri (presumably their rear-guard), and Hewitt to enable communication. She then dutifully follows Tazmara down the well, more than happy to be among the middle of the metaphorical pack. "Sorry I can't include everyone, Laurelata. I think I can add another person soon, but haven't figured it out yet... Anyway, it won't help us talk when we're holding our breaths, but we can still hear, and that's worth something."

Spoiler: OOC
Jessica also has dark vision, so we can wait for the others to announce our presence with light.