R15T18: Seeing the Ghast continue fleeing Ozzy thinks about giving chase for a moment, but with the darkness blocking his allies vision he would be going alone. One look at Rod’s body is enough to know how that would likely end.

Sighing in defeat, Ozzy moves south and says to his allies, ”Looks like it’s gone. Leave the darkness this way, I will keep a lookout for if the creature returns.”

Ginny and Sol, agreeing, delay...

R15T15: Visto, you get FH11. Do you agree with Ozzy and drop out of combat, or give chase into a darkness that your held sunrod cannot penetrate?

Ghast on deck, Ozzy in the hole (if necessary) ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Ozzy: 18. 1 CON damage.
* Under effects of soothe syrup (49 min).
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
>>> Ginny: 17.9.
Sol: 17. Shield extract for 2 min. Blurred movement til R36T16.
* DEX Mutagen in effect for 19 min.
Visto: 15. Holding sunrod. FH11 til R17T15.
Depora Azrinae: 7.

Red Dretch: 7. (-2:30). STABLE!!!
Blue Dretch: 5. (-9:30). STABLE!!!

DEAD: Rodriguez.