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Thread: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Sirithhyando's Avatar

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    Jan 2016
    Québec, Canada

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    Bliksem Los, the fabulous
    Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

    As the group got the camp ready, Bliksem took both his rain catcher, went to place them in trees. Anyone would like me to take care of their raincatcher? Or need anything up there?

    Stopping on a branch, looking at the distance if he could see anything appetizing.
    Spoiler: Looking for fruits
    Perception or survival, not sure, both are +3 anyway [roll0]

    After he was finished, he hopped back down.

    Bliksem went to the fire and started whispering, half-listening to Xarmus music.
    There we were, on the water
    Paddling down the river
    We got to the shore
    And met... one more?

    He looked blankly in the distance. I'll need something better than that

    His gaze wandered around, then met Red horns eyes I can take guard duty after you then.

    Bliksem walked toward the druid, observing his friend Kupalué May I inquire about your friend here? Would he take offense if I stare too long? What is he?
    Last edited by Sirithhyando; 2022-06-07 at 05:52 PM.