As potentially dangerous as it is to leave the gnoll with so much information and yet not likewise ensnare him in the conspiracy, Mauricio's self-righteous indignation does not even consider going back in to pay the merchant's fee. Although squeezing through the street crowds is wearisome, it does give Mauricio time to consider their situation and their next move. It also helps to distract him from the subpar goods and services being hawked around him...

Being on the fringe of the city is a bit nerve-racking. Fights in Katapesh could simply rage in the street, let alone on the outskirts. Still, this is where they need to be. The clock is always ticking.

At least they are quick to find which company it was that suffered the raid. Mauricio keeps his eyes open for whoever looks to be in charge... or perhaps a ragged survivor of the attack.

Spoiler: OOC
Perception: (1d20+7)[21], +1 if Pursue a Lead applies.
Society: (1d20+7)[19], +1 if Pursue a Lead applies.
Mauricio Averni
HP: 17/17
AC: 14
Class DC: 17
Speed: 25
Fort: +4
Ref: +6
Will: +7
Perception: +7
Feats: Forensic Acumen, That's Odd