With every answer, every compliment, every greeting, the Satyr seemed to grow more confident, more self assured.

He looked to the Khajiit, it was growing into an interestingly diverse group.

“First encounter you say.” He said with an odd smile. “So I haven’t missed much then.” He added a bit more softly to himself.

He turned back to the Tiefling.
“Oh, please pardon me. I got a bit carried away, you see I’ve only been talking to this stubborn mule for the last couple of days and we’ll, he isn’t much one for manners.”
With a theatrical bow the Satyr introduces himself.
“I am Xarmus, Xarmus...” It looked as though he was going to say more but then just finished with. “Just Xarmus.”

“It is your lucky day my friends, or night, but Lady Luck smiles upon you either way, for had my cart not got stuck I would be deep into my adventure by now. But since I am still here, and you are here, it is decided. I will accompany you in your travels sharing with you my music, knowledge of nature and, if Lady Luck truly shines upon you, then some of my speciality brew too!”

Xarmus is joyous and has a constant smile that often breaks out into small laughter, he eagerly greets everyone before loading his belongings neatly into his cart getting ready to move on, as he decided.