Moonday, 16 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Gibbous)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Trailblazing continues.

That evening, Xhanfaerd is by himself as he postulates the nature of light and dark within a free-willed mortal.

Book holds an in-house lecture regarding geography, astronomy, and how those things may have changed over millenia, as compared to what they might find in Saventh-Yhi, especially since the Ancient Azlanti were very knowledgeable of astronomy and how it guided the PC's own discoveries in Tazion. In attendance are Aron, Amivor, Fronaldo, Gelik, and most of the junior Pathfinders that don't have other duties elsewhere.

Toilday, 17 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Gibbous)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Trailblazing continues, and the trail is finally cleared by the end!

Sersheelda wants to know more about plants and animals in the Overburn, so that evening, Aron (assisted by Xhanfaerd) holds an in-house lecture for Amivor, Sersheelda, Fronaldo, Gelik, and the available junior pathfinders regarding natural sciences, especially that of the jungle.

Meanwhile, at the dwarf's request, Harrim convinced Book to help show him how best to avoid area of effect dangers and various common types of traps. While Harrim is much more agile than he might seem at first look, his training in this area is woefully inadequate, given his dwarven form.

Wealday, 18 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Gibbous)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Days and days and days of rain, and it hasn't stopped just because the trail is now cleared, and the party has easy access to the waterfall beyond.

Above the waterfall, the river splits for a short distance, flowing around a jungle-covered hillock. An open area just south of the hill can make an excellent staging area for the expedition once they’re up in the region and readying a move to a campsite located within the ruined city itself.

A narrow trail picks up not far to the south of area A, connecting to a more overgrown road down below that leads southeast to area B. This wide, paved road is the first tangible, non-mirage evidence the PCs encounter both of the hard existence of the ruins of Saventh-Yhi as well as the strange preservative magics that suffuse Saventh-Yhi. The expedition splits in two to make sure that the split in the river is mapped and charted.

The strangely preserved road leads into a narrow cleft in the jungle-choked ridges, forcing the river into a swiftly flowing rapid through the gorge. The road splits here, offering two methods onward—below, a slippery-looking path of wooden bridges connects small islands, while above a rickety rope bridge swings in the air.

Which way do you recommend taking?