Bliksem Los, the fabulous
Level 3 Sword bard; HP 24/24; AC 15; Passive perception 13; Save DC 13

Ready to get on the canoe, Bliksem took a deep breath
This, friends, this is the first step of our story.

As they went down the river, Bliksem whispered in a low tone, sometime a little too loud. Trying to find a good melody for a first song about going down the river especially as uneventful as it was. Until the rain. Bliksem shutted up at that moment.

As they finally got to the shore Land! Thank you! He kneeled to kiss the ground but quickly changed idea.

He made few noise while helping putting up the camp but... Music? He looked around trying to find the source, the instrument being used and the song itself, if he knew it.