Fireday, 13 Abadius 4711 AR (First Quarter)
90 / 70 F. Heavy rains. Winds W 10 mph. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 90 F.

The next day, as the encampment awakens, it seems that you were fooled by a cruel trick of climate. For you no longer see Saventh-Yhi, but trackless jungle along the nameless tributary of the Ocota River. It was a jungle mirage, exceedingly rare, and possible supernatural. The expedition forges on ahead, with Fronaldo - aided by Amivor - with wayfinder consult the maps they made from the Pillars of Light in Tazion. They continue along the tributary until the river seems to emerge from the side of a jungle cliff at a height of 60' - casual observation reveals little to indicate that anything but rugged jungle mountains exist beyond this point, but with Fronaldo's knowledge of the map from the Pillars of Light in Tazion, he guides the expedition to a spot where an ancient and overgrown series of trails lead up from a waterfall.

This is where the dirty work to push on ahead will occur, to be able to get the expedition to be able to navigate past, which Fronaldo figures will take several days of hard work.

Does anyone have anything they can think of that might help the work go by a little more swiftly?