Qawalish bowed his head in agreement. "I recommend we go by canoe for the first week or two. The River Tiryki runs slow and is easy paddling, and will save us many days of walking. Most canoes fit 6, so we will need two. Don't let the merchants charge you more than 50 pieces of gold for each one. We will accept payment on return, as a sign of our good faith. Be sure to purchase insect repellent, along with a rain-catcher. We do not want to drink water from the river." He looked to Kupalue and asked a question in the vege-language, and received a short reply. "We shall be ready at daybreak, and will meet you back here." Standing, the tall druid took his leave.

Anything you want to do before you leave town? Last chance.

Spoiler: OOC comments about buying supplies
If you don't want to go by canoe, let me know. I assume you don't want to RP purchasing supplies? Let me know if you'd like to. Otherwise, be sure to sure to pay for, and put on your character sheet, anything you buy.

Canoe is 50 gp each, and comes with 6 oars, and 6 waterproof bags that attach to rings in the canoe, so you don't lose them if it flips over. Rain catcher is 1 gp and 5lbs. Bug repellent is an odorless grease that comes in a gourd, 20 applications for 1gp. It lasts 24 hours. Everything else is as per the PHB.

Part of this adventure is the survival aspect, so please be precise about what you've purchased and where you'll be carrying everything. I would like to know what will be in the waterproof bag, what will be on your body, and what will be in your backpack (unless the whole thing is in the waterproof bag). It will be important later, so I'd like it spelled out now, so we don't get into an "I assumed that" / "well, obviously that would be..." kind of situation later.