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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    The ghosts all swarming them wasn't much of a surprise. Fully plausible result of engaging the main one. A month ago it might have been terrifying, but these days "swarm of ghosts" basically rated in Lily's head as roughly equivalent to "swarm of killer robots" or "swarm of plant monsters" or "swarm of nebulously-superpowered thugs" or "swarm of crazy cultists". Incorporeality would be mildly annoying, but beyond that? Fairly solid meh.

    She looked to Ariadne. "Hey, you have, like, a pet ghost or something, right?" She still wasn't entirely clear on the nature of Ariadne's powers but she was pretty sure Helios had mentioned it at one point. "Can anything here?"

    Regardless, it seemed to her that the straightforward play against undead horrors was to point the team sun mage at them. She didn't know much about how Helios's magic worked, but he had sun powers and her powers were, at the end of the day, fueled by stored solar energy. That seemed like something he should be able to work with. So she stepped up next to Helios, plucked a strand of hair out of her head, and transmuted it first into a normal sunflower, which she then hardened into wood while retaining its shape and coloration, basically making into a wooden wand in the shape of a sunflower, investing it as she created it with a sizable chunk of stored solar energy.

    Lily was no mage, but sunlight was sunlight and magical affinity was magical affinity; to Helios's arcane senses, the wand was basically charged up with a store of Life aether he'd be able to tap and use to augment his attacks. She held it out to him. "Here, see if this helps."

    Extra Effort - Power Stunt off of 20 points of Flower Power array, leaving 30 available for normal use.

    Sunflower Wand [Mystical] [Metapower] [Augmentation]: Enhanced Extra 10 (Damage becomes +10/+0, gains Reaction [Upon Aiding an ally], Quirk 0 [Helios Only], Limited [Team Attacks Only]).

    Free: Reconfigure Flower Power. 20 points to Sunflower Wand, 10 points to Acidic Nectar, 10 points to Floral Thorn, 10 points to Lingering Acid.

    Move: Into R26.

    Standard: Aid Helios's next attack with Sunflower Wand (+5 from Teamwork) at (1d20+20)[39]. Easy +5

    Reaction: Team Attack for Helios's next Damage attack with Sunflower Wand (+5 for Teamwork) at (1d20+20)[26]. The Team Attack bonus will also apply next round if he attacks the same target again due to Secondary Effect. However, if he misses, this attack won't do Damage itself, since it's Limited to Team Attacks. Kinda wish those rolls were reversed but this will either be +2 or More Data, so I'm pretty much cool either way.

    Current Status: Normal, Fatigued as of next turn.
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2022-05-30 at 04:04 PM.
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