R5T16: With his song, Rod heals 2, but sounding on the verge of running out of breath, Rod keeps his chant going for a little longer. He studies purple some more before running up and attempting to trip her with his weapon, but she is way too agile. She ducks inside of the sharpened portion of the weapon, leg hooks it and does a fancy twist to suddenly pull Roriguez, who falls to the ground himself. Though he still holds onto his weapon (and she released), he is on the ground and shouts, ”Surround her!”

R5T15: Visto, what do you do? You didn't see what happened with Rod, but heard his shout.

"She" on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Ozzy: 18. 1 CON damage. Aura of misfortune. Charged.
* Under effects of soothe syrup (49 min).
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
>>> Ginny: 17.9. UNCONSCIOUS til R11T17. She must make a Fort save vs. DC 13 then or be unconscious 2d4 hours.
Sol: 17. Shield extract for 2 min.
* DEX Mutagen in effect for 19 min.
Rodriguez: 16. Guisarme in hands, waterskin held by tail. PRONE!!!
* RAGING SONG (+2 morale STR/ CON, +1 Will saves, -2 AC)!!!
* Under effects of soothe syrup (for about 32 min).
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
Visto: 15.
Depora Azrinae: 7. RS.
Red Dretch: 7. (-2:30). DYING!!!
Apophis: 6. NAUSEATED by the stinking cloud til R6T6!!!
* Ingrown Nail: You take a -1 penalty on attack rolls until you score a critical hit. Heal: A DC 20 Heal check removes the attack penalties.
* AB: THP (5). +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
Blue Dretch: 5. (-8:30). DYING!!!