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Thread: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

    Hlaspak’s eyes narrow when Kharesh brings up Tiger Clove. His response is cold at best, “that is a spice that I no longer carry. Tiger cloves are simply Thuvian cloves that have been first eaten by the striped Thuvian civets. After their dung dries, the remnants of the cloves are collected and ground. After dealing with an irate customer who learned the origin, I simply don’t carry them anymore. Even if you had a civet, they only eat them fresh.”

    To Gex, his response is a bit warmer at least. After all, someone finally articulated why you were here in a bit of detail. After helping two other customers who enter, he turns back to Gex. “Even if I knew something, none of my information would be current. I have no connection to that life any more. Sympathetic? I am. But if I were to send you to someone and they figured out it was me… well, that is trouble I definitely don’t want. The plight of one stranger among many is not worth risking my own welfare.”

    Hlaspak points to the draining hourglass, which is half empty.
    Last edited by SanguinePenguin; 2022-05-26 at 01:24 AM.