Sean has to get out of his cover to get those papers, so he does. He takes them and packs them without looking at them. "Follow me." He leads the mutants to the cars and hands them the keys of the pickup truck. "Now take this one and leave. We will soon leave too. We will be back to you, either here or on the radio, when we have something definite to say, which will, hopefully, be soon."

If it all goes as intended and the mutants leave the immediate surroundings of the parked station wagon taking the pickup with them, Sean says the team that they can get back to the car (presumably requiring no roll to navigate the streets, or Sean would walk to fetch and guide them). When everybody is in, Sean, still on foot, leads the car out of the city, and then we head to the Radar Base (the dogs, presumably, will have to run outside of the crowded car).

Aaand Richard time!

P.S. Do we establish a radio link with these WMD guardians? Any news from Blackwire?