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Thread: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

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    Troll in the Playground
    Pyrophilios's Avatar

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    May 2011

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "Well, then we have at least one pair of matching opinions." Red Horns chuckled drily.
    "Let's question that druid first. If he makes a favorable impression, we can forgo the effort of asking the others. Acting decisesively is often just as good if not better than acting slowly."


    History check on Emerald Enclave


    "As for the Emerald Enclave: They are a group of rangers and druids, usually focused on preventing the wild threatening civilisation and vice versa. Here in Chult they are focused on protecting everything from the undead menace that has taken root on the isle.
    They are usually trustworthy enough to keep travelers save that they accompany through the wilds.

    Chwinga are little elementals - harmless for the most part. If you can manage to gain their favor they are known to bestow a blessing or boon on you."
    Last edited by Pyrophilios; 2022-05-24 at 03:05 PM.