Oathday, 12 Abadius 4711 AR (First Quarter)
90 / 75 F. Heavy rains. Saturated humidity. Humidity Index: 110 / 95 F.

Today promises to be truly awful right out of the gate, but the expedition gets moving again.

You only go through a few final miles of trackless jungle before Saventh-Yhi is revealed to you! It is breathtaking, just the part you see.

The thing is, the jungle is not a quiet place, but there is an increase in background noise, almost like there is a LOT more going on at Saventh-Yhi than "undiscovered, uninhabited ruin!"

Question for everyone, do you want Amivor to use his expertise to find the best place for the expedition to make base camp at a respectful distance from Saventh-Yhi, or do you (the party) want to try and figure out the best place to be?