Toilday, 10 Abadius 4711 AR (Waxing Crescent)
85 / 70 F. Normal afternoon showers. Winds N 15 mph. High humidity. Humidity Index: 95 / 80 F.

The full expedition leaves today to what seems to be relatively mild morning and make the trek towards Saventh-Yhi. During the half-trek, Harrim is sure to mention the glory of Groetus, and how the End Times will strip away all that has been built to leave a beautiful chaos before that, too, is removed from the universe.

That evening, Book and Aron bring Amivor (after hearing about his prowess from the former) to seek out Fronaldo, a master on combat preparation techniques. Gelik interacts with the rest of the expedition to learn their names and to get what gossip he can get.