The old woman thanked Ziri profusely in a language she didn't understand. Gradually the activity in the area went back to normal. The handlers brought the triceratops back they way it had come, dragging the broken harness and cart away with them.

As the four newfound companions discussed their plans, a tall black man approached them purposefully. He had a shaved head, wore bright saffron robes, and carried a thick ledger. A young girl pulled impatiently at his hand, then stopped and pointed at Ziri and the others. She spoke demandingly in a language full of clicks, and the bald man smiled at her indulgently.

Stepping forward, he said, "I hear I have you to thank for preventing some deaths here." His common was thickly accented with melodious vowels. "I am Kwalu M'wenye, factor for the Merchant Prince, his highness Ifan Talro'a. Prince Ifan is responsible for beasts and beast training here in Port Nyanzaru. In his name, I thank you for your brave actions here today."

He pulled a pouch from his pocket, made of brightly woven cloth with a pattern of dinosaur footprints. Holding it out to them, he said, "A gesture of the prince's gratitude. We hope you can enjoy some of the many delights to be found here in Port Nyanzaru."

You know there are seven merchant princes that rule Port Nyanzaru, and each have specific monopolies on merchandise sold in the city, and according responsibilities. The pouch contains 100 gp.