Kali can't help but wince at the flowery language Zetath used in his plea to save his wife. Not only was it somewhat embarrassing to hear, it reminded her of a much sweeter time that she had left behind not too long ago. She started to wonder if her husband Agnar would've opened up a shop selling overpriced junk for her before dismissing the idea. That dwarf was foolhardy enough to take an axe and charge after the slavers himself the moment he heard one of his family had been taken.

But Agnar was gone, and Kali shook her head to rid herself of the nostalgia. That was then, this was now. She felt sorry for the poor man who had lost his wife in such an unfortunate way (again), and a cold resolve steadily wormed its way into her heart at the thought of taking an axe to some wretched slavers. She was even more emboldened when the powerfully built Karesh and the thin Mauricio agreed to help as well. Kali did a double take at the latter of the two; now that she was close enough to him, she couldn't help but notice there was something off about his appearance. She had thought he was a human, but his features were much too...odd for that to be entirely true.

Well, it didn't matter for now, he was offering his help and he had seemed more than competent during the horrible scuffle earlier.

"I asked ta meet yer wife earlier, didn't I?"
Kali grinned at the pleading merchant. "Count me in."

Spoiler: Current Status

Kali Ashmane
HP: 22/22
AC: 18
Class DC: 16
Speed: 20ft
Fort: +7
Ref: +6
Perception: +7
